Sunday, October 25, 2009

Can someone make a decision for me?

K i know now one can decide for me but what are your opinions? I have a degree in psychology but cant really use it for much unless i go on and do 3 more years and i dont want to be a psyhcologist, i actually have no idea what i want to do, i change my mind all the time,i travelled overseas last year and loved it and now i dont know whether to go back, study, if i stydu what should i study, if i move where do i move to, or should i go back and travel and workin the uk as i stil hve 9 months left on my visa but i am 23 and feel like i should be doing osmething more productive? I have psent hte last 6 month slying in my bed thinking as i have depression and i dont want to spend another weke like that!
yeah, I unfortuntately know how you feel. Yucky... I too, have a psychology degree and then went on and got a masters in counseling and human development. The jobs I have had suck. Which I have heard that the first few jobs you get do suck. Until you get into administration. I believe that you should follow your heart and do what you want for now and then there will be time to figure the other stuff out. Good luck... My heart will be with you in your travels.
go get a teaching degree and be a psych teacher
See depression treatments/resources at on page 2. Ask for an answer in your dreams, after lights out, for a few weeks. The degree can lead in many directions, such as criminologist/criminal psychologist or advertising.

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