Tuesday, May 25, 2010

CAN'T Sleep?

it's 2 sumthing am, i'm 14 and can't sleep !! ihave to get up at 7:30 today/Tommorow and this is ****, i don't have a girlfriend so that's not the problem...i'm tossing and turning, my mom has sleeping plills but if i wake her up then she'll say "i told you not to go to sleep late" or "YOU HAVE SCHOOL TOMMOROW" so i dont think i'll bother with her, what do i do?and i need it quick
insomnia at your age means a conflict,so to speak.
you should know why ?home problems,school problems,drugs?.are there any thoughts in your mind that haunts you ?if you know why,then the cure is easy.

dr solo
well maybe .. u shud ask the doctor to give u some kindda medicin that has some kindda legal drugs to put u to sleep ..
Get off computer.

Turn off all lights.

Find most relaxing position on bed.(may not be the same way that you sleep in every night.)

Take deep breaths. And get off computer.
Well there's nothing I could say that could help right now. In the future, you have to do a lot of stuff during the day that makes you tired. So then when you go to your bed you will fall asleep.
hahah answer above...i like their style:P but i gotta agree.if that doesnt work get on the juice that'll knock ya out
smoke lots of weeds or buy sleeping pill and ur sleep like a baby i wake up at 3 every sunday and satday and tesday :-))) and i only a 3 morth older than u
Best bet right now - do what can be called the tension / release relaxation method followed by an intro meditation practice that ought to put you right to sleep.

Get in bed, lie on your back, ready to sleep. If you can physically do the following, go ahead. Do not hold your breath while you tense your muscles.

== without changing position, tighten *all* the muscles in your left leg from toes to thigh and hold for about 5 seconds +/-, 10 if you like *then release suddenly* and let the leg lie quietly.
= rest for one or two breaths
== repeat in the right leg i.e., tighten and release the muscles in your right leg
== do the left arm but don't move it out of position - you can make a fist or spread you ringers to do the hand muscles
= rest
== right arm
= rest
== tighten and release stomach muscles - this will mostly be the front but add the back muscles if you can
= rest
== chest and upper back muscles
= rest
== neck, face, and scalp [*stop* if you hear a whine or whistling noise in your ears]
= rest -

By now your body should be relaxed and you might drift off to sleep.

If not quite ready, try a simple breath counting exercise. As you lay quietly on your back, arms at your sides, gently breathe in and count 'one' - pause just a second then gently breathe out and count 'two'. When you get to ten, start over again at one. Most people will lose count, so don't worry just start at one again.

Let me know how it works for you [email]. For other techniques, see the Wiki reference below.

Best thing is to establish a routine so that once you start getting ready, your body and subconscious will expect to go to sleep soon.

Be aware, tossing and turning can be a problem and does usually indicate that you need to talk to someone about what is on your mind. Please do so; parents, doctor, teacher, friend may be good if they will listen without judging [sometimes hard for teens and their listeners] - talk to a professional if you need to and can afford it.

good night
Go into the most relaxing position. Stop thinking if can't put something cool on your eyes.
You should not expose yourself to very bright light which is a signal to the brain to become active.More details at http://nosleep.in/

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