Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Can turn my mind off at night to sleep?

At the end of the day I am very tired from school and work and I lay down to sleep but I just can鈥檛 turn my brain off. All I do is think about what I have to do the next day, my relationship, my family, just anything. Even after I fall asleep, if I wake up in the middle of the night the same thing happens, I just start thinking and can鈥檛 sleep. I sometimes try to count and it works a little but even then I still get distracted. Any advice?
Try over the counter sleep aids first, if that doesn't work see your doctor.
I would avoid prescription sleep aids because we all know how crazy those make us. I had a wicked case of insomnia but I guess sleeping in a bed with someone else has helped me recover.

You seem to have some sort of anxiety or stress issue you need to resolve. Perhaps go talk to someone. Also, if you are so focused on the fact that you can't sleep, it may be counterproductive and is the reason why you can't sleep.

Getting into a routine may help too. Spray your pillowcases with some lavender scent.
put a notepad and pencil next to your bed, when you think of something write it down, it will be on your list in the morning, no need to think of it anymore. sleeping pills from Dr. although not always a good long term solution they do let you sleep.
Haha... you just described me. I have been watching TV for the last ten years until I fall asleep. I set the sleep timer. Recently I decided that this wasn't the best way to fall asleep. I tried a week of lunesta to get myself on track sleeping. It really didn't work entirely. but helped me started.
Now I do something really silly. I think of something completely non-stressful. I pick out what I am going to think about before I even go to bed. I always choose something like... what if I got my hair permed... how would all the people I know react. Seriously silly I know. but I focus on that and think about it in such detail it makes me fall asleep. It also keeps my mind from progressing in to... "what tasks do I need to do" land. Best wishes.
You can get a free trial week of lunesta from your doc.
Try reading a good book till you get tired. I have the same problem. But I read till I get sleepy and then I lay there and think on what I was reading and I drift off to sleep.
Watch what you eat. Avoid food and drinks with cafferine like chocolate and sodas, tea, energy drink so late at night Also just before you go to bed take a hot bath with some epsom salt, or use one of those fussy baby products. I use it and it really do help.
i have the same problem.
but you know what?
you try to talk to a friend or someone that you really trust it really helps.
you must have been thinking in lots of issues that are bothering you.
focus only to sleep.
try drinking a cup of any hot relaxing dink,like anise before sleep,it's so relaxing.
also sleep everyday at THE SAME EXACT TIME,to accomodate and adapt your central nervous system that it's your time to get some relax.
also try to count numbers DESCENDINGLY,from 500 for example and downward.
you know something FABULOUS?
go for meditation.
if you don't know how to,you could contact me at my mail,and i'll tell you how,it helped me sooo much.
also i have some texts and relaxing music that i can send you if you want.
i hope you be better by soon :)
Seek alternative and find the one most suited method to get you to lala land. Ive got the same problems as you(think too much), and it becomes more serious near my exams.Ive tried listening to music but it doesnt have any effect. I find it much easier to sleep when thinking about any unimportant stuff( imagine if i can fly.. haha)
hello there, you have a run-away mind that needs some attention to slow it down. I don't know if your open to ideas that we don't practice in western society on a whole. However, i think you'll find meditation, or some form of focus and release exercises will greatly improve your situation and your life. Yoga, breathing exercises, martial-arts..so many to choose from. The only thing for sure, is that you have to do it on your own. Even with guidance, no one can slow your mind down for you. I strongly recommend reading "The way of the peace full warrior", by Dan Millman. ( Quick excises.. sit comfortably.. hold your body still..breathe slowly in through the nose hold it for a second intentionally, and exhale out the mouth, slowly. all the while being conscious of relaxing your muscles ( especially in your shoulders and neck, on every exhale.)..do this for 15 minuets.an you will relax and slow down. yoga and other things are good because you have a teacher though.
Is it always like this or do you get days where you sleep easy. do you wake up tired? it could be many things, i do need more info. I don't believe any alternative meds work so i would get some sleepers or even benzos will work just don't get carried away with pills. if none of this appeals to you just chuck some headphones find a teddy to hug
Have you ever tried making a list at night before you go to bed of all the things you have to do for the next day that way you get it of your mind before you go to bed and you dont have to spend the night worrying about it. Good Luck.
Practise one of the relaxation techniques in bed after lights out (mantra repetition, or mindfulness breathing) at http://www.ezy-build.net (.net.nz/~shaneris) on page 2, and read page 3.
i find tylenol pm to be really helpful. i get the caplets and i take 1 but i break it in half so it absorbs more quickly and i don't get the hungover feeling in the morning. it relaxes you enough so u call fall asleep and i usually sleep thru the night w/out any problem.
You are busy, and so when you go to bed, you mind has not had the time to slow down, and relax. You need to give you mind some quite time, and just relax. If you can not do that i would say go to you doctor and tell him / her what is going on, and they can help.
I go through the same thing. At one point the only thing that would help was medication. I was taking Zyprexa. I stopped taking my medicine and now I just take a long bath before bed and Im usually able to sleep.
A medicine called Seroquel works really well in such a case.It is actually an anti-psychotic but also used as a sleeping pill.
This might sound kinda out there but have you tried meditation? I think it has been said that we have like 60,000 thoughts a day. It can be difficult to control all of them and our minds can go into overdrive.
Meditation is crazy how it works. I mean all you have to do is sit there and focus on your breath, in and out. When a thought takes you away from your breath gently release the thought and get back to the breath. It sounds crazy that it can help you out but it totally does. I think it teaches the mind how to calm down.
You can get meditation CD's at your library. That is where I got mine. There are some goofy ones out there but I think there was on my Jack Kornfield that I liked.
Good luck!

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