Saturday, October 31, 2009

Can you inherit a mental illness??

because my mom is mentally ill and im scared that i will be just like her. you know like the phsycho kind. not like adhd or anything but flat out craziness. please be honest. : (
Well honey I know this is a tough thing to go through and unfortunatley in some situations yes, but not all. You have to have faith in God pray for protection. If you feel as though you are showing some signs of being like her, then you need to discuss it with a counselor immediatley. It also depends on what the mental illness is. My mom has some depression issues and anger issues. I think the reason I have some of the same issues is because it was a learned behavior, meaning I was raised in that enviornment with her so I didn't know how to deal with my anger. Well years later here I am and I realzie that now because I educated myself on how to handle situations with out anger and abuse. I still have to fight it off now, but I have counselors to help me deal with those issues when they get out of line. Please contact me if I can help any further I would love to talk with you. Hope this helps
Yes, heredity is a big factor on whether you will get a mental illness of not. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
There is believed to be some heredity in mental illness, however that does not at all guarantee you will end up with the same situation as mom. There are other environmental factors that can worsen or lessen mental disorders as well.
Yes, you can. My father is mentally ill, but don't worry about it to much or it will drive you insane. Just be checked regularly by your Doctor. If you take the medicine you should be OK. Just don't worry about something when there is nothing to worry about.
Just like you could have inherited your mom's hair or eye color you could likewise inherit the chemical inbalance associated with many mental illnesses. It won't be the end of the world if you do. Many successful people suffer from mental illness.
Yes, certain mental illnesses are definitely considered hereditary, but it is my personal belief that any mental or physical illness can be treated if not improved or cured by diet. I have far too much info pertaining to this subject to even begin to give details.
Mental illnesses are not exactly hereditary (because when you say hereditary, it's like being already certain to some degree that one shall acquire the disorder). Generally though, if one has or has had a mentally ill member in the family tree, there exists already a "genetic predisposition" among the members. For example, if my grandfather is schizophrenic then I have a genetic predisposition to developing schizophrenia too.
Unfortunately, you can, but don't get scared yet. Very few, and only severe mental illnesses are genetically passed down. Schitzophrenia is one of them, but even if your mom has it, you won't necessarily. Most people exhibit some signs of mental illness by their teens. Please don't freak out about it; the more you worry about what you don't know, the more you'll agitate yourself, and it's hard enough dealing with your family now. Believe me, I know. Stay strong and believe.
You inherit the brain chemistry that causes mental illnesses like anxiety, depression, etc, but if you take care of yourself properly, you can prevent any problems.
Yes, it is possible to inherit a mental illness. In the field of psychology there are two factors that influence a personal mental develpment nature and nurture. Nature meaning genetics and organic environment. Nurture refers to variable factors in a person's life brought in by their surrounding environment which causes a mental illness. It is important that you get a complete and accurate mental health history from members of your family. There may be a chemical imbalance, or behavior disorder that was passed down genetically, and you have no control over. Other than that, just watch out for signs that you are not yourself, or that something has changed. If that is the case, then you should be evaluated by a mental health professional immediately. If you feel like yourself, and don't see yourself actiing like your mother, then you may not receive the same mental illness that your mother has, and you should be able to move on with your life without worrying. Thanks.
Don't worry, inherited characteristics can skip a generation or two, or three. In any case, your mom's problems may relate to her early childhood rather than a genetic trait which is passed down through the family..

I have found that writing down in words what somebody says and does helps me to come to terms with it. He said this, he did this and it was a problem because... It may be a good idea to keep a diary.
You can't directly inherit a mental illness but you can inherit a tendency toward it. I had a close friend who was adopted and had three sisters. Both my friend and two of his sisters committed suicide. The third sister has been trying to kill herself for a long time but has been thus far unsuccessful. Their father was also suicidal but never succeeded. As far as the nature vs. nurture argument, it's strange that my friend was adopted but he seemed to soak up all the craziness that ran in that family...
well karen...could be you weill be just grand-mother committed suicide over her mental illness, my mom has alot of mental issues, but is fine with the appropiate medication, and here I am ...taking meds for panoic/anxiety. have a higher chance.worst thing you can do is start thinking about it all the time, and not enjoying life.

Just relax and enjoy your life!
maybe. u could do some research.
absolutely most mental illness is inherited
probably you inherit genes and all that sciency stuff i forgetted

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