Saturday, October 31, 2009

Can't let myself be happy?

I can't let myself be in an enviroment that's condusive to my well-being. I can't even stay in one place too long or I get antsy. What should I do?
It's difficult, like a really bad habit that you can't break.

In the end it comes down to how bad you want it, and how much it will help you reach your goal. Wanderlust is ok when you're young, as long as you're always seeking out good people to spend your time with, and improving and enlightening yourself.

If your choices make you miserable... start making better choices! If you can't make the big ones, then start small, but do not let up.
Pop a prozac :-)
You have described the life of a soldier.

Be wise in your choice of what battles to avoid.
This is going to sound corny... But I like to make lists. Making lists of pros and cons to every situation always helps me see the black and white of things. It makes me realize if a decision I'm about to make is wrong and detrimental to my life. Try making a list of what it would take for you to be happy... and make a plan to work toward it. That may not help you, but it *may* get you on a better track. I hope you start to feel better and I hope it helps you as it has helped me in the past.

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